Why Install Test Plugs in Your Pipes?

There are times when you might need to run checks on your pipes and their contents. While you can often use gauges or thermometers to do this, test plugs can be a better solution.

How do test plugs work and why should you use them?

How Do Pipe Test Plugs Work?

Test plugs are small plugs that are inserted into parts of a pipe. You screw the casing into a hole in a key area, then you fit its cap to seal the plug.

The plug seal keeps the pipe intact; however, when you need to take a measurement, you simply remove the cap to gain access to the interior of the pipe itself. Some plugs also contain dual valve systems to protect the seal and prevent anything from escaping from the pipe.  

You can use test plugs to measure various things. For example, you can use them to take temperature readings, to check flow rates or to measure pressure rates.

Why Install Test Plugs?

Gauges and thermometers can give you readings that allow you to check what is going on in a pipe. However, these instruments aren't always 100% accurate. The pipe itself may affect the readings you get.

Plus, you may not be able to put these instruments in the places that you need to check and control most frequently. You need to be able to read the instrument on the pipe when you make a check. So, you could end up sacrificing optimum positioning for acceptable visual access.

Test plugs help you take consistently accurate readings. They give you direct access into the pipe itself so your measurements will be clean and precise.

For example, if you insert a thermometer through a plug, it measures the temperature inside the pipe. The pipe itself won't affect the reading you take. The plug's seal lets you in without compromising the integrity of the piping or changing its internal conditions.

You can also install test plugs wherever they'll be most useful. You don't need to be able to see the area of the pipe where you take the reading — you read an independent instrument here.

Bear in mind that you can install test plugs into existing systems easily enough. This is a simple system that simply needs a small access hole.

If you need to run regular tests on your piping system, then contact pipe test equipment suppliers to talk about your options. They can tell you more about how test plugs work and why you might want to install them.

To learn more, contact a resource like GSS Hire.
